Medical tours in Sairme


Medical tours in Sairme


Medical tours in Sairme
5 days / 4 nights


Sairme health resort is located south of Kutaisi at an altitude of 950 m above sea level. This place has a unique geographical location, healing springs, ecologically clean environment and beautiful nature. The resort is located in the mountain zone of the subtropical zone.

Rehabilitation of the resort began in 2011 and was finally completed in 2013. As part of the project, the Sairme Hotel was equipped, which consists of 150 rooms and is designed for 390 vacationers (this makes up half of the Sairme’s tourism potential).

In addition, the Sairme landscape was modernized: significant work was done to equip recreational, retail and food facilities.

The resort also has a SPA center, which is equipped with the latest equipment of one of the leading German companies – Kraft. This is a fairly large complex that will offer you wellness treatments of any type.


The thermal spring flows from a depth of 1,500 meters, and its temperature is 43 °. The Institute of Balneology of Georgia and German experts have established that Sairme thermal water is characterized by high therapeutic efficacy both for external use in the form of baths – for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system, dermatological and gynecological diseases, and for internal use – for diseases of the digestive system , in particular:

Diseases of the osteoarticular system (arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis)
Diseases of the nervous system (neurosis, neurocircular dystonia, circulatory disorder)
Diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent)
Dermatology (allergic skin diseases, psoriasis)
Gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, allergies) – (colonotherapy is carried out)
Invasion (the presence of worms in children) (minor flushing is performed)
Chronic diseases of the genitourinary system (non-acute form, cystitis, prostatitis, etc.)

Thermal baths (spa center) are equipped with German Kraft facilities that comply with modern standards; the center has massage rooms of all types, a fitness room, a swimming pool, a minibar, treatment rooms (hydromassage, Sharko shower, calm baths, hydrocolonotherapy and others irrigation). The center is unique both in its equipment and the chemical composition of thermal water, with which the procedures are carried out, the water does not contain radon. In general, the center is the first in Georgia in its unique capabilities, and on a global scale it falls into the top five of similar resorts.

We offer the following treatment packages:

Diabetes mellitus (10 days)
Chronic hepatitis
(10 days)
Chronic pancreatitis
(10 days)
(10 days)
Chronic cholecyst
(10 days)


– consultation of the therapist – the first visit is free-repeated

dietitian consultation

Clinical and laboratory studies:

Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity

blood glucose

-general urine analysis

total cholesterol


-Total protein


prothrombin index

-functional liver tests


mineral water in certain doses

-thermal baths – 10 treatments

circular baths – 5 treatments

hydrocolonotherapy – 1 procedure


general practitioner consultation –

the first visit is free


nutritionist consultation

Clinical and laboratory studies:

– functional liver tests

abdominal ultrasound
general blood analysis
alkaline phosphatase

mineral water in certain doses

general relaxing massage – 10 treatments
– hydrocolonotherapy – 2 procedures

underwater massage – 10 treatments


general practitioner consultation –

the first visit is free,


nutritionist consultation

Clinical and laboratory studies:

ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity



-general blood analysis




-Total protein


mineral water in certain doses

general massage – 10 procedures
underwater massage -10 treatments
hydrocolonotherapy – 2 procedures

-consultation of the therapist – the first visit is free, repeated

nutritionist consultation

Clinical and laboratory research


blood glucose

total protein

total cholesterol

-general blood analysis

-General urine analysis

ECG and cardiologist consultation


mineral water in certain doses

massage with honey – 10 treatments

Douche Charcot – 10 treatments

massage with anti-cellulite cream – 5 treatments


– consultation of the therapist – the first visit is free,


dietitian consultation

Clinical and laboratory research

ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity

-general blood analysis

-functional liver tests


mineral water in certain doses

-hydrojet massage – 5 procedures

-General massage – 5 treatments

dubazh – 4 procedures


Стоимость: 255 USD Стоимость: 335 USD Стоимость: 342 USD Стоимость: 285 USD Стоимость: 188 USD


Желчнокаменная болезнь(10 дней) Остеохондроз(10 дней) Мочекаменная болезнь(10 дней) Миалгия, невралгия, невроз(10 дней)


: -консультация терапевта — первый визит бесплатно, повторный

-консультация диетолога


Клинико-лабораторные   исследования:

-ультразвуковое исследование брюшной полости

-общий анализ крови

-функциональные пробы печени


минеральная вода определенными дозами

-подводный массаж — 5 процедур

-гидроструйный массаж — 5 процедур







-консультация терапевта — первый визит бесплатно, повторный

-консультация диетолога



исследования :

-ЭКГ, консультация кардиолога

-общий анализ крови

-индекс протромбина



-минеральная вода определенными дозами

-массаж спины — 10 процедур

-электротерапия — 10 процедур







-консультация уролога

-консультация диетолога


Клинико-лабораторные   исследования:

ультразвуковое исследование Мочеполовой системы

  • общий клиническый анализ мочи
  • общий анализ крови
  • креатинин
  • Общий белок
  • глюкоза
  • индекс протромбина


-минеральная вода, согласно назначению

  • подводный массаж — 4 процедуры

-циркулярный душ — 4 процедуры

-Общий массаж — 9 процедур



-консультация терапевта — первый визит бесплатно, повторный

-консультация диетолога


Клинико-лабораторные исследования:

общий анализ крови

  • индекс протромбина
  • коагулограмма
  • общий холестерин


-минеральная вода определенными дозами

-минеральная вода

-подводный массаж — 10 процедур

-электротерапия — 5 процедур

-гидроструйный массаж — 10 процедур




Стоимость: 145 USD Стоимость: 182 USD Стоимость: 274 USD Стоимость: 247 USD

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